Frequently Asked Questions
1. What do we mean by fresh vegetables?
For us, fresh vegetables are the unprocessed vegetables. In a few cases, we accept frozen fresh, which means that the product is frozen immediately after harvest for maximum preservation of nutrients.
2. Is the product really healthier?
Existing products that are refreshed by Sophini with a handful of vegetables are richer in vitamins and minerals compared to the existing product. During the heating step of vegetables, nutrients are lost. This also happens when you cook vegetables at home. Fortunately, much remains. We regularly have our products analysed for nutrients by an independent laboratory, so that we can be sure that the Sophini products are more nutrient-rich than the reference products without vegetables.
3. Do you use additives?
We use natural and recognizable ingredients as much as possible. The current vegetable pastas do not contain any additives.
4. Is the taste and texture similar to regular pasta?
We had our pasta tested by about 150 consumers in an independent consumer survey. The majority indicate that the texture of the vegetable pasta is similar to regular pasta, or even more positive due to the softer and slightly sweeter bite. A very large part also indicates that it is even comparable to fresh pasta from the refrigerated shelf.
5. Can the packaging be added to the waste paper?
We only use packaging that consists of one type of material. The cardboard packaging form can therefore also be added to the paper bin.
6. Why are not all vegetables organic?
We think it is important that all vegetables get a place, without anything being thrown away. Organic or non-organic. However, we do think it is important that the pesticide levels are adequately controlled within the agreed agricultural policy. That is why we check all vegetables beforehand whether there is pesticides present and to which extent in order to guarantee that the levels do not conflict with this policy. Because we believe in a more sustainable agricultural practice, we like to set ambitions with our growers about this, and apart from that we also have an organic pasta line ourselves.
Korte Eeweg 2F-G
4424 NA Wemeldinge
region Zeeland
The Netherlands
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